Updated on February 21, 2024

Data Scan PI Conclusion Percentage Update

The Data Scan PI Conclusion Percentage Update API allows users to update the privacy information (PI) conclusion percentage either globally or for a specific object within a data source. This document provides details on how to use the API, the required input parameters, and the expected output.

Note: To obtain the <auth token>, please refer to the Step-by-Step Guide to Obtain Your Auth Token

Code Snippet

# Import the ProtectoVault class from the protecto_ai module
from protecto_ai import ProtectoVault
# Create an instance of ProtectoVault with your authentication token
obj = ProtectoVault("<auth_token>")

HTTP Method: PUT

Endpoint: /data-scan/pi-conclusion-percentage/update

Input Parameters

1.Global Update:

  • If only pi_conclusion_percentage is given in the input, the API will update the global threshold percentage to the provided value.code Snippet :
    "pi_conclusion_percentage": 40


The API response will provide information about the success or failure of the PI conclusion percentage update.

  "data": {
"message": "Global pi_conclusion_percentage updated successfully as 40."
  "success": "true",
  "error": {
    "message": ""

2.Object-Specific Update:

  • If data_source_name, object_name, and pi_conclusion_percentage are given in the input, the API will update the PI conclusion percentage for the specified object within the data source.

Code Snippet :

  "data_source_name": "Datasource2",
  "object_name": ["db1", "schema1", "table1"],
  "pi_conclusion_percentage": 40

Response :

The API response will provide information about the success or failure of the PI conclusion percentage update:

  "data": {
"message": "pi_conclusion_percentage updated successfully for object  ["db1","schema1","table1"] as 40."
  "success": "true",
  "error": {
    "message": ""


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