An asynchronous masking method can be used to mask large volumes of data.
Utilizing this method enables you to submit a mask request and receive a tracking ID. The tracking ID can then be employed to retrieve the status of the submitted request.
# pass list of sensitive information as an input in the provided JSON Format for the async mask method tracking_id = obj.async_mask({ "mask": [ { "value": "He lives in the U.S.A" }, { "value": "George Washington visited China." } ] }) # Print the tracking_id print(tracking_id)
"data": [
"tracking_id": "9f799cb6-5315-4199-8d47-3a7ced21dd1d29042024113301",
"status": "PENDING"
"success": true,
"error": {
"message": ""
Note: Wait for few minutes to change the status of tracking id from PENDING to SUCCESS.